…the subject makes the moment.


Jack’s Expedition

Well, here in Springfield, MO we received our first snow of the 2013-2014 winter season. So, of course, I took pictures. Here are just a few of my baby boy (10 months old) that I took that day!

Jack is 4 months old today!!!

Jack 4 monthsWow. Where does the time go? No, not literally. I mean, it seems like it was a week ago that we brought him home. We had to support his head and keep him close so that he didn’t get too cold. We worried about every little thing he did. Heck, we probably checked his temperature 20 times in the first week he was home, and it was always normal. It still amazes me – how much I love him. The second he was born, I didn’t think I could love him anymore than I did at that moment. Everything he does makes me happy. His laugh, his smile, his cry [even his farts and dirty diapers]. Now, he is 4 months old and is rolling over and laughing and drooling like a mad-man. He is grabbing things with precision, including those ever precious toes, and talking – er – screeching up a storm. I catch myself staring at him, eyes locked, wondering what he is thinking and one thing always come to mind. He trusts me. He trust us so much, I can see it in his eyes. I can feel it in the way he lets me hold him. He is amazing and I never want to break that trust. I want to give him the world, because he is mine. Happy 4 months Big Guy and here’s to many more.

Lightning. Why it made me go inside…

Lightning-updated-1 Lightning-why i went inside-1

Okay, I love taking pictures of lightning. It is one of my all time favorite things to photograph. Mainly, because you have absolutely no control over it. You don’t know where it is going to be next and it is necessary that you have some knowledge in exposures in order to get what you want. Anyway, I was catching the lightning show as it passed through Springfield, MO and captured this beast.
Most of the strikes were behind the clouds, so it looked more like a strobe light, than a lightning show. So, I had all but decided to pack it up when THIS happened! What couldn’t have been more than just a couple hundred yards away, this lighting strike actually made me jump and set off car and home security alarms all through the neighborhood! I kid you not. SO, I casually grabbed my gear [after doing a little dance and fist pumping the sky, because I knew I had caught it] and went inside.
The first picture is the actual exposure I captured. The second, however, is the overexposed image explaining why the lightning made me go inside…


Jack’s Bath Time!

Jack's Bath Time

Northeast Springfield

Northeast Springfield


New business cards!

New business cards!


Amazing photoshoot!!!


Had an amazing photo shoot today with a dear friend and amazing couple! Congrats!!


Finished up the final edits of Blake’s photo shoot from yesterday! Pretty happy with the results! Enjoy!Blake sneak peek